Earth Day 2022

Nima Raychaudhuri
2 min readApr 24, 2022

Happy 52nd Earth Day! Today is the day we celebrate Earth for its forests, oceans, and life. Our planet is one of the special planets in the universe with life. Today, we should look harder at the unique parts of Earth that allow us to be so special. There are many problems we could point out about our planet and the people on it, but today is the day we look at the things we neglect. A half century earlier, Earth Day was created to spread awareness about the major amounts of pollution. Society at the time was oblivious to the pollution happening from the factories and manufacturing. The idea for Earth Day came from Senator Gaylord Nelson, he witnessed the effects of an oil spill in California and mixed with a protest also happening at the time, he was inspired to create Earth Day.

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Some little things you can do today and everyday:

  • Get rid of junk mail
  • Use reusable bags instead of plastic
  • Clean out the junk from your garage/home and donate to charity
  • Unsubscribe to unwanted newsletters
  • Carpool with people whenever possible
  • Lower the temperature on your water heater
  • Try car pooling and sharing a ride
  • Compost your garbage
  • Turn off the lights when you leave a room
  • Say to NO to plastic since each year we throw out enough plastic to circle our Earth 4 times.

There are so many more things that we can do to help our planet. Today we should look up and appreciate this planet for dealing with our mix of good and bad decisions and all the issues we have sprung upon it. I hope you celebrate every day like Earth Day to let our planet know how much we appreciate it for taking care of us for this long.



Nima Raychaudhuri

I am a passionate high school student who likes writing about the environment and books that I read.